

Faster Leveling Up : Dragon City

 Dragon City Quick Leveling Guide


Here are some quick tips for you to move up quickly in Dragon City.

This guide will give you the idea on what to do to reach lvl 50 fast and to get your dragons in shape for battles.

Tip no.1 : Spend Time Playing.
 Let's face it, for this kind of games you will need to invest time(around 10-20mins in one sitting) to make sure you will be one of the top players. In this game you have to Breed Dragons, Harvest Food(for the dragons) , Build Habitats and Battle Other Players everyday. There are time frames for each action. Breeding dragons range from 20 secs to 2 days depending on what dragon you will get. Its a random dragon everytime especially for the Legendary Dragons(there are formulas for the lower tier dragons which will be discussed also in another post.) For planting and harvesting food, it will range from 30 secs to a number of days so you have to balance the time spent planting and the amount of food gathered. For building habitats there is also building time depending on what type of Habitat you are building. As for the money, dragons inside their habitats give out money/minute so make sure you harvest the money on time since there is also a money gained cap per habitat. make sure you time your log in to the game according to the time framesof these things so you can get more resources quickly.

Tip No.2 : Do Not Overspend Resources.
In games like Dragon City, you will need to balance the resources you have so you can achieve the desired effect. A good example will be with the harvested food. You can feed all the food you want to a dragon but there is a level limit which you have to mind. Once a dragon reaches the lvl cap move on to the next dragon. You will need 3 dragons for stadium battles as well as for PvP battles. the higher your dragon levels are the better since you will have better chances of winning. Another example is with gold. do not build habitats/buildings that you do not need. Make sure you just build the things you need so you will still have gold to spend if you need it. A good example would be with the food farms. you will just need 5 food farms upgraded to Big food farm until you reach lvl 20. Make sure to always plant and harvest the Rainbow Flowers(75,000) as it has a balance between cost and food output.

Tip No.3 : Do Not Be Attached With Your Dragons
Treat the dragons in this game like weapons. If there is a better one, upgrade. It may be costly as you will have to get another set of food for new dragons but it will pay off in the end, especially when battling in PvP. Also try to get dragons that are useful against more monsters. Some people get attached with cute or fierce looking dragons. When you reach the higher levels you will see that it is better to use the higher tier dragons than to  level up the lower tier dragons.

Tip No.4 : Save Up On Gems.
Do not use your gems for accelerating breeding or accelerating food harvest. Its better to save up for the breeding tree or the last island(both priced at 100 gems.) You will also need the gems for upgrading your Hatchery so you can hatch 2,3,4 dragons at the same time. The hatchery, in tandem with the breeding tree and breeding mountain combo can have you producing and getting the higher tier dragons faster.

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